JCrew should consider giving me a cut for advertising on here. Seriously, he must be mentioned once a quarter, at least.
This brings to mind another topic. I have a lot of guy friends, and most times while talking with them, the topic of their "top five" comes up. I've since learned to prepare a list of my top five so I can take part in this conversation. Meaning, I have a top five of male celebs that I swoon for, as well as a list of top five female celebs so that I can further participate in the convo.
If this guy was a celeb, he'd be on my list. Although, my list of preferred males is primarily compiled based on humor/sarcasm.
Without further ado..my list(s):
Top 5 men:
1. James Marsden (Cyclops in XMen series, columnist in 27 Dresses)
2. John Cusack
3. Bradley Cooper
4. Scott Speedman (cue mild to moderate obsession with Felicity growing up)
5. Johnny Lee Miller
Top 5 women:
1. Marion Cotillard (recent movie: Inception)
2. Kate Beckinsale
3. Rachel McAdams
4. Mila Kunis (she's the desk girl at the resort in Forgetting Sara Marshall)
5. Emily Blunt (hilarious in Devil Wears Prada)
If there's any you are unfamiliar with, check here..
who's on your list?