Monday, October 12, 2009

Oh Monday...Sip, Sigh...

Today I started Monday off on the right foot..and the left. Went on a fast walk with my friend KO which, not only benefits our hips and thighs, but our spirits as we catch up on the weekend and solve life's many problems.

(we looked very similar to these girls...)

Over the weekend I snagged my copy of The Sartorialist and began to pour through it, remembering Scott's old posts and marking some favorites.

Khaki update: Julie and I tried on all the Old Navy cargos and were NOT pleased. HELP! Just a few weeks until we join the elephants and we do not have khaki...

1 comment:

  1. GAP has Khaki trousers on sale..not very promising considering they r a pricier version of Old Navy but on sale they might be worth taking a look. Also if you get the free GAP
    I Phone app you can download additional coupons for more savings :)

    Happy Khaki Hunting !!


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