Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Tuesday: How to get ready in under an hour

So, we all struggle with this. Getting out of bed in the morning, stumbling to the shower, fighting with your hair, and destroying your closet. This morning I was thinking about the steps I unconsciously take to get through my morning routine as drama-free as possible.

1. Prepare your meals the night before. I like to cook something on Sunday that will be good for the whole week. I also keep oatmeal at work and green tea.
2. Don't oversleep. Now I'm a snooze-two-or-three-times-a-morning-person, so I allow myself more time to actually make it out of the bed.
3. Get your butt in the shower. That always wakes me up.
4. While in the shower-mentally pick out an outfit to wear. If you can't figure out the whole outfit, at least think "I want to wear boots" or "how about that green cardigan". It's a start.
5. Dry off, plug in hair dryer and straightener (or whatever applies), put a towel around your hair.
6. Make bed while hair dries a bit. At this point I also like to turn on the news :)
7. Put on part of your make up (I usually save eye make up for after I've dried my hair...so I don't melt my mascara)
8. Fix hair
9. Finish make up
10. Put on clothes
11. Grab lunch
12. Out the door!

How long did that take you? I think this morning it took me 45 minutes because I had to dry and straighten my uber thick hair. Some mornings I use Psssst to save time and skip hair.

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